A low voltage lighting system usually operates on 12 or 24 DC volts whereas typical lighting systems used for the last 100 years use high voltage AC line voltage and operates on 120 or 277 volts. Examples include recessed lights (cans), track lights, bendable rail lighting systems, landscape lighting, deck lighting, suspended cable lighting, pendant lights, and display lights.
With the cost of copper been continuously going up over the last decade, installation cost for lighting systems has skyrocketed. Traditional high voltage lighting systems use large cables that cost of money. LumenCache Low Voltage Lighting systems use standard network cabling. A standard roll of 1000 ft of High Voltage Cable can cost up to $300.00, whereas a 1000 ft roll of network cable will cost you around $80.00.
In addition to the cost of the cable, there are also weight and heat differences as well. Low voltage cable weights much less and produces less heat that high voltage cable.
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